Rene has a long industry background in telecommunications and energy. His previous role was Head of Software Development in Endeco Technologies, an Irish indigenous company active in Ireland and the UK. During that time he developed Endeco’s demand response system for Cold Stores. The system offers both passive (price taker) demand response, in which the operating schedule of a plant is optimised against real-time prices, and active (price maker) demand response, in which flexible supply (embedded generators) or demand capacity of a number of small sites is aggregated and then traded in the wholesale market as a single capacity in e.g. the SEM (Single Electricity Market). Endeco has recently won a contract with the National Grid in the UK to provide aggregated frequency response services, for which this system is also used.
Rene’s presentation will give a short introduction into the electricity market, the general vision of the smart grid, followed by a proposed roadmap for energy research in CIT, based on CIT’s strengths such as the NSBET, Zero2020 and talent in CIT.
You are all very welcome, to be guaranteed a seat please register with Norma at