John Barrett delivers keynote speech at Adobe Engineering Summit

John Barrett delivers keynote speech at Adobe Engineering Summit

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Dr. John Barrett recently presented at Adobe’s Tech Summit, an internal gathering of the company’s engineers from around the world.

John is increasingly active internationally, educating students and professionals on various aspects of the ‘Internet of Things’ through presentations to large audiences, printed material and social media.

The term ‘Internet of Things’ is becoming commonplace as more wearables and other connnected consumer items appear on the market. Dr. Barrett’s TEDxCIT talk explains what it’s all about, and what we can expect soon.

Dr. John Barrett is Head of Academic Studies at Nimbus Centre. His research is focused on packaging, miniaturisation and embedding of smart systems in materials, objects and structures. He has been active in Irish and European R&D projects in the areas of packaging and systems integration for almost 30 years and has over 100 publications in topics related to his field.
