New technology enhances traditional teaching and assessment methods

New technology enhances traditional teaching and assessment methods

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The Nimbus Centre at Cork Institute of Technology has received approx €300K in funding from Enterprise Ireland to further the development of an innovative interactive educational platform.

‘Tip tap tap’ technology enhances traditional teaching and assessment methods, using interactive touch-sensing technologies. Existing school desks quickly become a touch-sensing interface (at very low cost), prioritising active whole-brain learning through physical interaction.

Tip Tap Tap enables students to play, to experiment, to learn actively in a scaffolded monitored environment. It also allows them to make use of gesture and touch in such a way that leverages their kinaesthetic intelligence to improve understanding and encourage deep engaged learning.

The system benefits teachers, providing instantaneous feedback and automatic result recording for continuous assessment of all students. Data management tools provided with the platform may even help teachers identify problem areas for learners as they emerge, allowing them to intervene earlier with supplementary learning activities.

Tip tap tap is compatible with schools existing ICT infrastructure being easily & unobtrusively installed into the classroom. The classroom remains physically unchanged but is changed utterly in terms of new pedagogical and interaction affordances.

The Nimbus research team continues to actively engage with educational stakeholders and industry technology leaders throughout the project.

Researchers from the Nimbus Centre exhibited at this year’s Bett Show in the Excel Arena, London to showcase this emerging Technology.

Read about it in the Irish Times and Irish Examiner

Listen to CEO Stephen Collins talking to Today FM’s Sunday Business Show here.


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Watch Nimbus senior researcher Stephen Collins talking about Tip tap tap at the 2014 Web Summit, Dublin.