Nimbus named partner in EU H2020 project INSPEX

Nimbus named partner in EU H2020 project INSPEX

  • Post category:News

The Nimbus Centre at Cork Institute of Technology is a partner in project INSPEX, aiming to adapt obstacle-detection technology used in autonomous cars for multiple uses. This 3 year, Horizon 2020 funded project combines the knowhow of nine European organizations to create portable and wearable spatial-exploration system.

INSPEX will adapt obstacle-detection capabilities common in autonomous cars for portable and wearable applications, including guidance for the visually impaired and blind, robotics, drones and smart manufacturing. It will be used for real-time, 3D detection, location and warning of obstacles under all environmental conditions. These include smoke, dust, fog, heavy rain/snow, and darkness, and in indoor and outdoor environments with unknown stationary and mobile obstacles. The system will be based on state-of-the-art range sensors such as LiDAR, UWB radar and MEMS ultrasound.

Read more about INSPEX in the EE Times here.
