Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future

Project Summary

FIT4FoF project aims at addressing workers’ needs, analysing technology trends across 6 industrial areas of robotics, additive manufacturing, mechatronics/machine automation, data analytics, cybersecurity and human machine interaction, to define new job profiles, which will inform education and training requirements.

FIT4FoF will develop a new education and training framework, which places workers (women and men) at the centre of a co-design and development process that recognises and addresses their skills needs.

By applying educational approaches based on Communities of Practice, FIT4FoF will empower workers to be drivers of the design, development and delivery of their own upskilling programmes.

FIT4FoF will develop Alliances of Communities of Practice to broaden the approach across Europe, creating replication strategies enabling educational/training design and development practices to be transferred between regional communities across Europe.

Main Objectives of Project

The Central Objective of the FIT4FoF project is to identify:

  • New skills requirements.
  • Job profiles.
  • To develop and pilot a unique yet transferable education, training framework and tools.
  • To create a paradigm shift that empowers the existing workforce (both women and men) to be co-designers of key lifelong training. 
  • To create education solutions in order to allow them to adapt to the changing and new skills requirements that increased digitisation and automation will introduce into advanced manufacturing.

Our People

We are a European consortium formed by 9 partners who will work to improve the workers’ skills and profiles in the Factory of the Future

The Consortium has been formed in order to meet the objectives. To this end, the necessary activities have been sought first to fulfil these objectives, and the best partners have been identified in each area, with two criteria

  • Multisector and multi-area consortium: partners from the education (vocational education and university), advanced manufacturing, production technology and heavy machinery, automotive sector, aerospace industries and defence sector, medical and home appliance sectors
  • Multi-country: The consortium is made up of 8 countries from among the most industrialized countries in the European Union but also from Eastern Europe.

We believe the FIT4FoF project consortium brings together the right mix of large industry, industry clusters, research and educational organisations from vocational training schools to university level third level institutions.

Funding Body

This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820701.

Duration: 36 months