
As the Nimbus Research Centre, we pride ourselves on the quality of publications produced by our team. We are involved in both research and industry projects. Some publications involving industry projects are not available to the public as they contain confidential details.

Disclaimer: Some publications listed below were produced by our staff prior to joining Nimbus Centre. The Nimbus Research Centre does not claim these publications as our own. 

J. George and J. Barrett, “A Steam Sterilizable Plastic-Encapsulated Wireless Sensor Module,” in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 770-778, April 2019.

C. Lynch, J. Kehoe, R. Bain, F. Zhang, J. Flynn, C. O’Leary, G. Smith, R. Linger, K. Fitzgibbon and F. Feijoo, “SVM-Based Day-Ahead Electricity Price Prediction Model for the Single Electricity Market in Ireland”, ISF 2019, 39th International Symposium on Forecasting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16 -19th Jun. 2019

S. Reis, D. Pesch, B.-L. Wenning, M. Kuhn, “Empirical Path Loss Model for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Networks in Compact Cars“, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
G. Nikolov, M. Kuhn, B.-L. Wenning, “UE-Based Estimation of Available Uplink Data Rates in Cellular Networks”, in 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2018), Limassol, Cyprus, 2018.
J. Blanke, C. Beder & M. Klepal. 2018. Towards Integrating Behaviour Demand Response into Simulation Based Heat Production Optimisation
Sarah Hayes. 2018. Exploring the Potential of Data Physicalization for STEM Learning. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 703-705
V. Cionca, R. Marfievici, R. Katona and D. Pesch, “JudiShare: Judicious Resource Allocation for QoS-based Services in Shared Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, April 2018
C.A. Boano, S. Duquennoy, A. Förster, O. Gnawali, R. Jacob, H.S. Kim, O. Landsiedel, R. Marfievici, L. Mottola, G.P. Picco, X. Vilajosana, T. Watteyne, and M. Zimmerling, “IoTBench:Towards a Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking”, In the Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench), Porto, Portugal, April 2018

I.S.A. Dhanapala, R. Marfievici, S. Palipana, P. Agrawal and D. Pesch, “White Space Prediction for Low-power Wireless Networks: A Data-Driven Approach”, In the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), New York, USA, June 2018.

A. Baró Pérez, C. Lynch, A. L. Ferrer Hernández, I. B. Montejo and A.R. Rodríguez, 2018. “Kalman Filter bank post-processor methodology for the Weather Research and Forecasting Model wind speed grid model output correction”, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, vol. 38, issue 6, pp. 511–525.

Blanke, J. Beder. C. & Klepal, M., An Integrated Behavioural Model towards Evaluating and Influencing Energy Behaviour — The Role of Motivation in Behaviour Demand Response, Buildings Journal

S. Roshany-Yamchi, K. Witheephanich, J. Manuel Escano, A. McGibney, S. Rea. 2017. Selective Distributed Model Predictive Control for Comfort Satisfaction in Multi-Zone Buildings. ICSTCC 2017 – 21st International Control on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania

A. Costa, M. Klepal, E2District/CIT et al. 2017. Development of Future EU District Heating and Cooling Network Solutions, Sharing Experiences and Fostering Collaborations. Sustainable Places 2017 Conference Proceedings (MDPI)

J. Blanke, C. Beder, E. Twomey, S. Aladag Ozdemir, M. Klepal. 2017. E2District: Behaviour Demand Response. Sustainable Places 2017 Conference Proceedings (MDPI)

I.S.A. Dhanapala, R. Marfievici, S.Palipana, P. Agrawal, D. Pesch. 2017. Modeling WiFi Traffic for White Space Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)

R. Marfievici, P. Corbalan, D. Rojas, A. McGibney, S. Rea, D. Pesch. 2017. Tales from the C130 Horror Room: A Wireless Sensor Network Story in a Data Center. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on the Engineering of Reliable, Robust, and Secure Embedded Wireless Sensing Systems (FAILSAFE), pp.23-30

L. Pham, J. Blanke. 2017. Tackling the value-action-gap: Improving civic participation using a holistic behavioural model approach. ICDPCP 2017: International Conference on Democracy, Political and Civic Participation, London, United Kingdom

D. Rojas, J. Barrett. 2017. A Novel 3-D Embedded Module for Displacement Measurement in Metal Structures. In IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

D. Rojas, J. Barrett. 2017. A Hardware-Software WSN Platform for Machine and Structural Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 28th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2017), Killarney, Ireland

S. Hayes, M. O’Keeffe, T. Hogan. 2017. Piecing Together the Past: Constructing Stories with Jigsaw Puzzles in Museums. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 79-83

S. Hayes, T. Hogan, K. Delaney. 2017. Exploring the Materials of TUIs: A Multi-Method Approach. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 55-60

M. Talebi, J. Groote, C. Dandelski. 2017. ‘Modelling and Verification of a Cluster-tree Formation Protocol Implementation for the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH MAC Operation Mode’, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science

Byrne, E., Hobbs, J. and Fitzpatrick, K. (2016), A V-LINC Analysis of Chicago’s ICT Cluster Ecosystem., supported by International Credit Mobility through ERASMUS+ the European Union’s Programmefor Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2015-2016.

Smyth, D.; Cionca, V.; McSweeney, S. & O’Shea, D. (2016), Exploiting pitfalls in software-defined networking implementation., in ‘Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital Services’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-8 .

Witheephanich, K.; Orihuela, L.; Gracia, R.; Escano, J. (2016), Min-max model predictive control with robust zonotope-based observer, CONTROL 2016 – 11th UKACC International Conference on Control.

Corbalan, P.; Cionca, V.; Marfievici, R.; O’Shea, D. & Pesch, D. (2016), Poster: Building a Stairway to Centralised WSN Control., in Kay Römer; Koen Langendoen & Thiemo Voigt, ed., ‘EWSN’ , Junction Publishing, Canada / ACM, , pp. 261-262 .

Hobbs, J. and Byrne, E., (2016), A Roadmap for the North Cork Engineering Cluster., Cork County Council.

Dhanapala, I. S. A.; Marfievici, R.; Agrawal, P. & Pesch, D. (2016), Towards Detecting WiFi Aggregated Interference for Wireless Sensors Based on Traffic Modelling., in ‘DCOSS’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 108-109 .

Corbalan, P.; Marfievici, R.; Cionca, V.; O’Shea, D. & Pesch, D. (2016), Into the SMOG: The Stepping Stone to Centralized WSN Control., in ‘MASS’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 118-126.

Blanke, J.; Beder C.; Klepal, M. (2016) Towards Understanding How Redefining Supply Side Constrains Could Shape Individual Demand Side Behaviour, BEHAVE 2016 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency.

Rojas, D.; Barrett, J. (2016), Experimental Analysis of a Wireless Sensor Network in a Multi-Chamber Metal Environment, Proceedings of the 22nd European Wireless Conference (European Wireless 2016)

Elder, S. & Vakaloudis, A. (2015), Towards uniformity for smart glasses devices: An assessment of function as the driver for standardisation., in ‘ISTAS’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-7 .

Dandelski, C.; Wenning, B.-L.; Kuhn, M. & Pesch, D. (2016), RLL – reliable low latency broadcast data dissemination in dense wireless lighting control networks., in ‘ETFA’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-8 .

Reis, S.; Pesch, D.; Wenning, B.; Kuhn, M. (2016), Packet Reception Rate Measurements of the Intra-Vehicle Wireless Sensor Network Communication, 8th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2016).

Palipana, S.; Agrawal, P. & Pesch, D. (2016), Channel State Information Based Human Presence Detection using Non-linear Techniques., in ‘BuildSys@SenSys’ , ACM, , pp. 177-186 .

Jay, S.; Caballero, M.; Quinn, W.; Barrett, J.; Hill, M. (2016), Characterization of piezoelectric device for implanted pacemaker energy harvesting., in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Micromechanics Europe MME 2016), Volume 757, No. 1, pp. 012038.

Walsh, B., Hobbs, J., Byrne, E. and Crowley, E. (2015), ‘Bottom up Policy for Growth: A V-LINC Analysis of West Cork’s Agri-food Cluster Ecosystem, with a focus on the Dairy Industry,’ supported by Cork County Council, through the project ATClusters. ATClusters is a European project funded under the Atlantic Area INTERREG IVB Programme 2007 -2013.

Byrne, E., Hobbs, J., Walsh, B. and Walsh, M. (2015), ‘BeWiser Joint Action Plan,’ Be Wiser Project, March 18th, Cork, Ireland. Available at:

Doorley, R., Pakrashi, V., Byrne, E., Comerford, S., Ghosh, B. and Groeger, J. (2015), Analysis of heart rate variability amongst cyclists under perceived variations of risk exposure, Transport Research Part F, 28 (2015) pp 40-54.

O’Shea, D.; Cionca, V. & Pesch, D. (2015), The Presidium of Wireless Sensor Networks – A Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network Architecture., in Ramón Agüero; Thomas Zinner; Mario García-Lozano; Bernd-Ludwig Wenning & Andreas Timm-Giel, ed., ‘MONAMI’ , Springer, , pp. 281-292.

George, J.; Compagno, T.; Rodgers, K.; Finbarr, W.; Barrett, J.(2015), Reliability of Plastic Encapsulated Electronic Components in Supersaturated Steam Environments., Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on accepted of publication.

Liutkus, A.; FitzGerald, D.; Badeau, R. (2015), Cauchy Non-negative Matrix Factorization., IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA 2015).

Elder, S.; Vakaloudis, A. (2015), A technical evaluation of devices for Smart glasses applications., IEEE 6th Int. Conference. on Internet Technologies & Applications.

Reis, S.; Pesch, D.; Kuhn, M. & Wenning, B.-L. (2015), Enhanced SRTST – Optimized Intra-Car Real-Time Wireless Sensor Communication., in ‘VTC Fall’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-5 .

Dandelski, C.; Wenning, B.-L.; Kuhn, M. & Pesch, D. (2015), Broadcast storm problem in dense wireless lighting control networks., in ‘ISWCS’ , IEEE, , pp. 91-95 .

Vakaloudis, A. & Anagnostopoulos, K. (2015), Maximising productivity and learnability in internships., in ‘IPCC’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-6.

Anagnostopoulos, K.; Vakaloudis, A. (2015), Towards successful technical internships -An Agile- oriented training methodology., IEEE 10th Int.Conf. ICCSE.

Yamchi, S.; Escano, J.; Canty, N.; Cornelio, A.A. (2015), Game Thepry- Based Distributed Predictive Control: Application to Shell Oil Fractionator., in Proc. of the 26th Irish Signal & Systems Conference.

Brickley, O. & Pesch, D. (2015), Ensuring “Always Satisfactorily Connected” in Cooperative Vehicular Networks., in ‘VTC Spring’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-6 .

Tipsuwanporn, V.; Intajag, S.; Witheephanich, K.; Koetsam-ang, N.; Samiamag, S. (2015), Neuro-fuzzy controller design for industrial process controls., in Proc. SICE Annual Conference.

Dandelski, C.; Wenning, B.-L.; Perez, D. V.; Pesch, D. & Linnartz, J.-P. M. G. (2015), ‘Scalability of dense wireless lighting control networks.’, IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (1), 157-165.

Stockdale, J.; Vakaloudis, A.; Escano, JM.; Liang, J.; Cahill, B. (2015), A Fuzzy System for Three-Factor, Non-textual Authentication., book chapter in Intelligent Systems in Science and Information, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.591.

George, J.; Barrett, J. (2015), Analysis of Dynamic Moisture Diffusion in Packaging Materials During Steam Sterilization., IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology ( Volume: 5, Issue: 3, March 2015 ), pp. 345, 354.

Helmle, S.; Kuhn, M.; Pesch, D.; Fazel K. (2015), Multi-hop Link Adaptation for Emergency Services Narrowband Mobile Ad-hoc Networks., Proc. of 10th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding.

Anagnostopoulos, K.; Vakaloudis, A.; Chalikias, N.; Leslie, C.; Liang, J. (2015), Evaluating sensor Technologies for gate-Based Object Counting in an internet of Things Set-up., in Sensors & Transducer journal, Vol. 185, Issue 2.

Liutkus, A.; Fitzgerald, D. & Rafii, Z. (2015), Scalable audio separation with light Kernel Additive Modelling., in ‘ICASSP’ , IEEE, , pp. 76-80.

Lynch, C.; O’Mahony, M.; Guinee, R. (2015), Accurate Day Ahead Temperature Prediction Using A 24 Hour Kalman Filter Estimator., 2015 IEEE 11th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), pp. 141 – 144.

Lynch, C.; O’Mahony, M.; Guinee, R. (2015), 24 Hour Step Ahead Wind Speed / Wind Power Prediction Using A Novel Kalman Filter Bank Prediction Estimator., Proceedings of PowerEnergy2015, the ASME 2015 Power and Energy Conversion Conference.

Lynch, C.; O’Mahony, M.; Guinee, R. (2015), A novel 24 kalman filter bank estimator for solar irradiance prediction for PV power generation., 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), pp. 1–7.

Witheephanich, K.; Escano, J. M.; de la Peña, D. M. & Hayes, M. J. (2014), ‘A Min-Max Model Predictive Control Approach to Robust Power Management in Ambulatory Wireless Sensor Networks.’, IEEE Systems Journal 8 (4), 1060-1073.

Escaño, J.M.; Bordons, C. (2014), Complexity Reduction in Fuzzy Systems using Functional Principal Component Analysis., Book: “Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications”. Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems Volume 9, pp. 49-65.

Escanio, J.M.; Liang, J.; Stockdale, J.; Vakaloudis, A. (2014), Fuzzy Matching Engine for Non-textual Authentication., a case study IEEE Science and Information 2014.

Liutkus, A.; Fitzgerald, D.; Rafii, Z.; Pardo, B. & Daudet, L. (2014), ‘Kernel Additive Models for Source Separation.’, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 62 (16), 4298-4310.

Vakaloudis, A.; Liang, J. (2014), A Framework for Rating Synchronous Video E-Learning Applications., in Science and Information Conference (SAI).

Cronin J.; Escaño, J.M.; Yamchi, S.; Canty, N. (2014), Fuzzy-Based Generalized Predictive Control of a Robotic Arm., in Irish Signals & Systems Conference 2014 and 2014 China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (ISSC 2014/CIICT 2014). 25th IET.

FitzGerald, D.; Liutkus, A.; Rafii, Z.; Pardo, B.; Daudet, L. (2014), Harmonic/Percussive Separation using Kernel Additive Modelling., 25th IET Irish Signals & Systems Conference.

Valdivia, V.; O’Connell, S.; Gonzalez- Espin, F.; El-Din Mady, A.; Kouramas, K.; DE Tommasi, L.; Wiese, H.; Carballido Villaverde, B.; Foley, R.; Cychowski, M.; Hertig, L.; Hamilton, D.; Pesch, D. (2014), Sustainable Building Integrated Energy Test-bed., in Proc. of IEEE 5th International Symposium on power Electronics for distributed Generation Systems ( PEDG 2014).

Liutkus, A.; Rafii, Z.; Pardo, B.; Fitzgerald, D. & Daudet, L. (2014), Kernel spectrogram models for source separation., in ‘HSCMA’ , IEEE, , pp. 6-10 .

Klepal, M.; Beder, C. (2014), MapUme-WiFi Based localization system., IPSN 2014, The 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks.

Singh, J. P.; Hassanzadeh, N.; Rea, S. & Pesch, D. (2014), Semantics-empowered middleware implementation for home ecosystem gateway., in ‘PerCom Workshops’ , IEEE, , pp. 449-454 .

Bordons, C.; Escaño, J.M.; Witheephanich, K. (2014), Control Strategies of a Solar Cooling Plant with Fresnel Collector: a Case Study., International Electrical Engineering Congress (i EECON 2014).

Helmle, S.; Dehm, M.; Kuhn, M.; Lieckfeldt, D.; Pesch, D. (2014), Feedback interval for link adaptation in TDMA-based single-carrier VHF narrowband mobile ad-hoc networks., in Electronics Letters ( Volume: 50, Issue: 3).

Yamchi, S.; Negenborn, R.R.; Cornelio, A.A. (2014), Nash-Based Distributed MPC for Multi-Rate Systems., Book Chapters in Distributed MPC Made Easy, Springer, vol. 69, pp. 341-353.

Lynch, C.; O’Mahony, M.; Guinee, R. (2014), Simplified Method to Derive the Kalman Filter Covariance Matrices to Predict Wind Speeds from a NWP Model., Elsevier, Energy Procedia, 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, vol. 62, pp. 676–685.

Heba Maleh, A.L.; Ali Tine, R.; Naimeh, W. (2012), Environment & Feasibility Study to Make Use of Solar Energy in Syria., Energy Procedia Volume 19, 2012, pp. 30-37.

Heba Maleh, A.L.; Ali Tine, R.; Naimeh, W. (2012), Studying and Simulating Low Flow Floor Heating Solar System., Energy Procedia Volume 19, 2012, pp. 23-29.

Villaverde, B. C.; Oury, J.; Pesch, D.; de Paz Alberola, R. & Fedor, S. (2012), Commissioning of low power embedded devices with IPv6/CoAP., in M. Rasit Eskicioglu; Andrew Campbell & Koen Langendoen, ed., ‘SenSys’ , ACM, , pp. 375-376 .

McGibney, A.; Pusceddu, D.; Rea, S.; Pesch, D.; Geron, M. & Keane, M. (2012), A methodology for sensor modeling and placement optimization to support temperature monitoring., in George J. Pappas, ed., ‘BuildSys@SenSys’ , ACM, , pp. 88-90 .

Beder, C. & Klepal, M. (2012), Fingerprinting based localisation revisited: A rigorous approach for comparing RSSI measurements coping with missed access points and differing antenna attenuations., in ‘IPIN’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-7 .

McGibney, A.; Beder, C.; Klepal, M. (2012), MapUme Smartphone Localisation as a Service – a cloud based architecture for providing indoor localisation services., International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN).

Srirangarajan, S.; Pesch, D. (2012), Occupancy Detection in Office Buildings: Experimental Evaluation., Intel Ireland Research Conference (IIRC).

George, J.; Compagno, T.; Waldron, F.; Barrett, J. (2012), Reliability Analysis of Plastic Encapsulated Coin Batteries under Harsh Environmental Conditions., 4th Electronics Systems Integration Technologies Conference, ESTC2012.

Srirangarajan, S. & Pesch, D. (2012), Sensor selection using heuristic-based sequential hypothesis testing., in ‘PIMRC’ , IEEE, , pp. 2377-2382 .

Vakaloudis, A.; Mouhtaropoulos, A.; Chilas, C.S. (2012), Evaluating the incorporation of synchronous video services in eLearning applications., e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE), 2012 International Conference.

Tarifa, J.A.; Escaño, J.M.; Molina, A.M.; Bordons, A. (2012), Local measurement of harmonics through a sensor network based on TinyOS., SICE Annual Conference, pp.1029-1034.

del Pozo, A.S.; Escano, J.M.; Bordons. C. (2012), Simulator for Control and Automation using an interactive and configurable 3D virtual environment., SICE Annual Conference, pp.2268-2273.

Alsakarneh, A.; Barrett, J. (2012), The influence of equipment variations on sliotar-hurley impact in the Irish game of hurling., Springer Journal of Sports Engineering.

Quinn,W.; Kelly, G.; Barrett, J. (2012), Development of an embedded wireless sensing system for the monitoring of concrete., Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 381–392.

Villaverde, B.C.; Pesch, D.; de Paz Alberola, R.; Fedor, S.; Boubekeur, M. (2012), Constrained Application Protocol for Low Power Embedded Networks: A Survey., in Proc. of International Workshop on Extending Seamlessly to the Internet of Things (esIoT 2012) in conjunction with Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2012).

Moore, L.; Barrett, J. (2012), Board-Folding Method for Fabrication of 3-D System in Package Devices., in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology ( Volume: 2, Issue: 7, July 2012 ), pp. 1209-1216.

Yamchi, S.R.; Cornelio, A.A.; Delaney, K.; Connell, J. (2012), An Application of Nash Game To Distributed Multi-Rate Predictive Control., The 14th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, CA’2012.

Brickley, O. & Pesch, D. (2013), Service and Communication Management in Cooperative Vehicular Networks., in Dirk Pesch; Andreas Timm-Giel; Ramón Agüero Calvo; Bernd-Ludwig Wenning & Kostas Pentikousis, ed., ‘MONAMI’ , Springer, , pp. 159-171 .

Moore, L.; Barrett, J. (2012), Embedded Module for 3-D Mechanical Strain Measurement., IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1002-1011.

Aslam, M. S.; Rea, S. & Pesch, D. (2012), Service Provisioning for the WSN Cloud., in Rong Chang, ed., ‘IEEE CLOUD’ , IEEE, , pp. 962-969.

de Paz Alberola, R. & Pesch, D. (2012), ‘Duty cycle learning algorithm (DCLA) for IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled wireless sensor networks.’, Ad Hoc Networks 10 (4), 664-679.

Villaverde, B. C.; Rea, S. & Pesch, D. (2012), ‘InRout – A QoS aware route selection algorithm for industrial wireless sensor networks.’, Ad Hoc Networks 10 (3), 458-478.

Singh, J. P. & Pesch, D. (2012), Fuzzy Inference Based Delay and Channel Aware Communication in Low-Power Sensor Networks., in ‘DCOSS’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 384-391 .

Aslam, M. S.; Rea, S. & Pesch, D. (2013), ‘Provisioning within a WSAN cloud concept.’, SIGBED Review 10 (1), 48-53.

O’Mahony, K. (2012), MeeTTable: A multi-user, multi-touch meeting room table and design planning application to support collaborative design planning meetings., Information Design Conference.

Alsakarneh, A.; Quinn, B.; Kelly, G.; Barrett, J. (2012), Modelling and simulation of the coefficient of restitution of the sliotar in hurling., Journal of Sports Biomechanics.

Fitzgerald, D. (2012), User assisted separation using tensor factorisations., in ‘EUSIPCO’ , IEEE, , pp. 2412-2416 .

Widyawan; Pirkl, G.; Munaretto, D.; Fischer, C.; An, C.; Lukowicz, P.; Klepal, M.; Timm-Giel, A.; Widmer, J.; Pesch, D. & Gellersen, H. (2012), ‘Virtual lifeline: Multimodal sensor data fusion for robust navigation in unknown environments.’, Pervasive and Mobile Computing 8 (3), 388-401.

FitzGerald, D. (2012), Vocal Separation Using Nearest Neighbours and Median Filtering., 23nd IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference.

Jaiswal, R.; Fitzgerald, D.; Coyle, E.; Rickard, S. (2012), Shifted NMF with Group Sparsity for Clustering NMF Basis Functions, 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx.

FitzGerald, D.; Barry, D. (2012), On Inpainting the Adress Algorithm., 23nd IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference.

Pietropaoli, B.; Dominici, M. & Weis, F. (2012), Belief Inference with Timed Evidence – Methodology and Application Using Sensors in a Smart Home., in Thierry Denoeux & Marie-Hélène Masson, ed., ‘Belief Functions’ , Springer, , pp. 409-416 .

Hu, T.; Wenning, B.; Görg, C.; Toseef, U.; Guo, Z. (2012), Statistical Analysis of Contact Patterns between Human-carried Mobile Devices., in 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management MONAMI 2012.

O’Mahony, K.; Liang, J.; Delaney, K. (2012), User-Centric Personalization and Autonomous Reconfiguration Across Ubiquitous Computing Environments., UBICOMM 2012.

Torres J.M.; Escaño, J.M.; Gallego, A.J.; Bordons, C. (2012), Modelo en ECOSIMr de captador solar Fresnel., XXXIII Jornadas de Automática. CEA- IFAC.

Escaño, J.M.; Bordons, C. (2012), Neurofuzzy model of an industrial processs, reducing complexity by using principal component analysis., XVI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2012).

Salazar, J.; Tadeo, F.; Witheephanich, K.; Hayes, M.J.; de Prada, C. Editors M’Sirdi, N.; Namaane, A.; Howlett, R.J.; Jain, L.C. (2012), Control for a variable speed wind turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG)., Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings(SEB’11)), pp. 151—168.

Dominici, M.; Pietropaoli, B. & Weis, F. (2012), ‘Experiences in managing uncertainty and ignorance in a lightly instrumented smart home.’, Int. J. Pervasive Computing and Communications 8 (3), 225-249.

Heba Maleh, A.L.; Ali Tine, H. (2011), Studying, Testing and simulating floor heating solar system., Energy Procedia, Volume 6, 2011, pp. 337-346.

Shen, C.; Du, W.; Atkinson, R. C.; Irvine, J. & Pesch, D. (2011), ‘A mobility framework to improve heterogeneous wireless network services.’, IJAHUC 7 (1), 60-69.

Jafer, E.; Spinar, R.; Stack, P.; O’Mathuna, C. & Pesch, D. (2011), ‘Design and deployment of a new wireless sensor node platform for building environmental monitoring and control.’, EAI Endorsed Trans. Ambient Systems 1 (1), e3.

Narayanan, P.M.; Rulikowski, P.; Barrett, J. (2011), Miniaturization of Nonuniform Transmission Liens for Ultra-Wideband Pulse Shaping., Proceedings of the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems (IEEE COMCAS 2011).

Singh, J. P. & Pesch, D. (2011), Towards Energy Efficient Adaptive Error Control in Indoor WSN: A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach., in ‘MASS’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 63-68 .

Rulikowski, P.; Barrett, J. (2011), Ultra Wideband Pulse Shaping Using Lossy and Dispersive Non-Uniform Transmission Lines., IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.59, No.10.

Singh, J. P. & Pesch, D. (2011), Stability of wireless networked control system using energy-efficient fuzzy based adaptive error control., in ‘WMNC’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-8 ./a>

McGibney, A.; Guinard, A. & Pesch, D. (2011), Wi-Design: A modelling and optimization tool for wireless embedded systems in buildings., in Chun Tung Chou; Tom Pfeifer & Anura P. Jayasumana, ed., ‘LCN’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 640-648 .

Guinard, A.; Aslam, M. S.; Pusceddu, D.; Rea, S.; McGibney, A. & Pesch, D. (2011), Design and deployment tool for in-building wireless sensor networks: A performance discussion., in Chun Tung Chou; Tom Pfeifer & Anura P. Jayasumana, ed., ‘LCN’ , IEEE Computer Society, , pp. 649-656 .

Roshany-Yamchi, S.; Negenborn, R.R.; Cychowski, M.; De Schutter, B.; Connell, J.; Delaney, K. (2011), Distributed Model Predictive Control and Estimation of Large-Scale Multi-Rate Systems., Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, pp. 416–422.

Najib, W.; Klepal, M. & Wibowo, S. B. (2011), MapUme: Scalable middleware for location aware computing applications., in ‘IPIN’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-6 .

Beder, C.; Klepal, M. (2011), Security systems with seamless authentication based on smart phones and surveillance cameras., Future Security, Volume: 6.

Beder, C.; McGibney, A. & Klepal, M. (2011), Predicting the expected accuracy for fingerprinting based WiFi localisation systems., in ‘IPIN’ , IEEE, , pp. 1-6 .

McGibney, A.; Klepal, M. & Pesch, D. (2011), ‘Agent-Based Optimization for Large Scale WLAN Design.’, IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 15 (4), 470-486.

Mousionis, S.; Vakaloudis, A. & Hilas, C. S. (2011), A Study on the Security, the Performance and the Penetration of Wi-Fi Networks in a Greek Urban Area., in Claudio Agostino Ardagna & Jianying Zhou, ed., ‘WISTP’ , Springer, , pp. 381-389 .

Moore, L.; Barrett, J. (2011), Miniature embedded prognostic probe., Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), 2011 IEEE Conference, pp. 1-8.

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McGibney, E.; Barton, J.; Floyd, L.; Tassie, P.; Barrett, J. (2011), The High Frequency Electrical Properties of Interconnects on a Flexible Polyimide Substrate Including the Effects of Humidity., IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol.1, no.1, pp. 4-15.

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Pesch, D.; Pous, M. I. & Foster, G. (2005), ‘Performance evaluation of SIP-based multimedia services in UMTS.’, Computer Networks 49 (3), 385-403.

O’Driscoll, A.; Pesch, D.; McDonald, A. (2005), Context-Aware SIP Services in the Wireless VoIP Application Space., Annual IT&T Conference.

Wallace, J.; Pesch, D.; Irvine, J.M. (2005), Fuzzy Logic Optimization of MAC Parameters and Sleeping Duty-Cycles Wireless Sensor Networks., in Proc. of IEEE 62nd Bi-Annual Vehicular Technology Conference.

Griffin, D.; Pesch, D. (2005), Telecommunication Services Exchange Architecture for 3G and Beyond Mobile Communication Systems., in Proc. of International Conference on Wireless Communication Systems.

Brickley, O.; Rea, S.; Pesch, D. (2005), Load Balancing for QoS Enhancement in IEEE802.11e WLANs Using Cell Breathing Techniques., in Proc. IFIP MWCN.

Rea, S.; Brickely, O.; Pesch, D. (2005), Congestion State Monitoring using Distributed Policy as a Reactive Approach to Load Redistribution in Ad Hoc Networks., in Proc. IFIP MWCN.

Wallace, J.; Rea, S.; Pesch, D. (2005), Fuzzy Logic Optimization of MAC Parameters and Sleeping Duty-Cycles in Wireless Sensor Networks., in Proc. of IEEE 62nd Bi-Annual Vehicular Technology Conference.

Shen, C.; Pesch, D.; Irvine, J.M. (2005), Autonomic TDD link Optimising Using Hybrid 85. Wireless Network and Genetic Algorithms., in Proc. of IEEE 62nd Bi-Annual Vehicular Technology Conference.

Rulikowski, P.; Barrett, J. (2005), Low Power Consuming Pulse Detector., IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband.

Shen, C.; Pesch, D.; Irvine, J.M. (2005), Neural Network and Self-Learning Based Autonomic Radio Resource Management in Hybrid Wireless Networks., 10th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications.

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Please contact Prof. John Barrett, Head of Nimbus