Garvan Peck

Design Intern


Garvan is a 3rd Creative Digital Media student in CIT with a primary focus on Virtual Reality and User Interface Design, with 3 years of Computer Science prior to this degree.

My main interests in MR revolve around the benefits it will bring to day to day life, improving both education and entertainment

The future of MR lies in improved methods of training the workforce of tomorrow, with greater efficiency.  Simulated training is already impressive as it is, but things will only become more impressive and more realistic over time

The biggest benefit of having this MR lab is the kind of content we can create. We can make immersive content for users and we can speed up the prototyping stage with ease.

Everyone here is so brilliant in their respective areas and so willing to help. Any questions I may have are always answered. I thought being new to the Nimbus would be difficult and a little daunting, but I was very wrong. Settling in was so easy because of the people here.